About Us

United Neighbors of New York

United Neighbors of New York is a coalition of working families, concerned citizens and public employees, representing millions of working men and women across every region of the State of New York.

A Coalition of Working Families, Concerned Citizens & Public Employees

United Neighbors of New York is a coalition of working families, concerned citizens and public employees, representing millions of working men and women across every region of the State of New York.

Our members and supporters include taxpayers, working families, police officers, firefighters, correction officers, teachers, utility workers, subway and bus supervisors, county municipal employees, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters to name a few.

Our Mission

We are concerned about the direction of our state and equally concerned about a number of public policies and proposals which would seriously widen the economic gap between the haves and the have nots.

Our mission is to expand an already growing grassroots campaign that unites our neighbors, friends, and families behind a common goal—defending and protecting New York’s shrinking middle class.